Monday, March 18, 2013

Doctor's MacLova


I'm Syari. I'm a doctor. And i love baking.

Minggu lepas adalah kali pertama saya buat Macaron. U know, the fussy ever, cute lil biscuits. Saya tak ambil gambar langsung sebab memang tak rupawan la Macaron saya tu (cracked surface, no feet, and partially burned!)

But masih tak putus asa. 2 days ago, saya cuba nasib lagi. Buat Macaron guna simple French method. Half of the batch tak menjadi (masuk encik tong.haih), and lagi half ada rupa Macaron sikit. Ada kaki dah yang ni. Soo happy sampai instantly saya instagram kan pic Macaron tu.

This is the 2nd attempt yg konon be'rupa' sikit tu...

Without filling...size pun tak uniform lagi

Kena practise again. Next time shall try Swiss meringue method.
In my next entry saya akan cerita about various methods of making Macarons. And perhaps tayang my 3rd attempt of Macarons.
Till then...salam.